
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Ultimate Blog Party 2012

Welcome all those of you who are participating in the 2012 Ultimate Blog Party! Links to giveaways I'm currently hosting are at the end of the post!

Ultimate Blog Party 2012

Just a quick intro for those of you who are stopping by for the first time: This is a family friendly blog where most weeks I post our menu (not what I planned but what we actually HAD - as plans get interrupted ;)... I also post recipes for meals I really love and hope you will too. I am just transitioning from holding a poll each week to see what to post (which just wasn't working out) to deciding myself - which opens so many recipes that I'm excited to post! However, I'm still getting organized after a break during which I had morning sickness and didn't even LOOK at this blog, or any other food blogs as it made me more sick... (Can I get an amen from any of you who've had morning sickness?) Read more About Me here.

Come check out some of my favorite recipes (that aren't included in the top 5 on the right sidebar):

For those of you who want to join the party, there are tons of giveaways - be sure to enter here. I'm also hosting a cookbook giveaway right now, check it out here and another one here, and lastly one here (second and third are more for baking with children)!


  1. I'm kind of obsessed with Tamales. Yours look amazing! Keep it up. Stopping by from Seattle @ Bulldogs And Brown Sugar

    1. I also love tamales... if they weren't so much work I'd be making them soon!

  2. Looks delisious! I'm visiting from UBP and waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

  3. Your recipes look yummy! I'm stopping by from ubp 12. I'm following gfc, twitter and I liked you on facebook.

  4. So glad I found your blog through UBP 2012! *hi* cannot wait to read through all your yummy recipes!

    Nina from

    1. Thanks for stopping by, I love your very creative lunches!

  5. I'm stopping by via your comment on my blog through UBP 12! I'm excited to swap recipes with you!! Come back and say hello sometime:)

  6. I'm a new follower via UBP 12! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I look forward to swapping recipes! Come back sometime and say hello:)

  7. Wow! What a wonderful array for recipes! I love them all! Stopping by from the UBP!

  8. I'm so glad I found your kitchen. Off the top I want to see the tamale recipe...seems intimidating, but I'll see. Also those white choc. cookies look so yummy! Hapy UBP12!

    1. Seriously the first time you make tamales, do it with a friend! It makes it so much more fun ;).

  9. Ohh you're making my tummy growl already! ;) Looking forward to the many recipes you have to share and can't wait to try some myself! Happy Partying!!


  10. I'm visiting from UBP... Gosh, I'm a hearty eater and I love all food in your site. I don't mind getting bigger..

  11. Visiting and now following from the UBP. You have so many yummy recipes that I'll have to try out.

  12. Always happy to find a new food blog :)

    Stopping by from UBP - incredibly late...but better late than never, right? :)


I love to hear from you! Please leave a comment below. Because I want this space on the internet to be a happy space, any rude or degrading comments will not be published.