
Monday, June 18, 2012

PCOS Diet Week 3

Week 3 Overview: I love how much more energy I feel that I have. The best thing though is that in the few weeks prior to starting this new eating plan I honestly wondered if I had pregnancy depression (pretty sure I had it with my first child - but didn't realize it until afterward though. It wasn't severe I just lost interest in doing things I normally enjoyed.) However, I have honestly felt better in the last week or so and now wonder if my eating habits were affecting my mood... I really do feel so much better emotionally. Major plus!

Day 15:  So I've gained back a half a pound so far...
Breakfast: Kashi Go Lean Cereal - 1 cup, Milk (1%) - 8 oz (or 1 cup), 1/2 cup blueberries
Lunch: Peanut Butter & Blackberry Jam sandwiches, carrots, yogurt and honeydew melon
Snacks: Raw almonds, dark chocolate, frozen yogurt creamie, animal crackers and a Peanut Almond and Dark Chocolate Protein Bar
Dinner: Hamburger, Honeydew Melon, Celery, yogurt
Total Calories: 2114, Carbs: 227 grams (260 including everything)

Day 16: I just increased my targets to 2200-22300 calories and 250 carbs as my weight seems to be staying pretty much in the same range (between 198.5 and 200). However eating that much is kind of hard! Maybe it's my growing belly but I actually feel full after eating each snack! Dinner was a pot luck with the women's group at church. So I have no clue how many calories I ate today, but I did eat pretty healthy - considering. I filled half of my plate with green salad and then ate some of the less carb-laden dishes. The only dessert I had was black bean brownies-which I learned that beans (legumes) can help the sugar level stay more even so I didn't feel bad indulging ;). The other desserts looked delicious though!

Breakfast:1 cup Milk (1%), 1 banana with 2 Tbsp peanut butter, 1 slice 9-grain bread with 1 Tbsp blackberry jam.
Lunch: Chicken Salad Sandwich, peach
Snacks: Crunchy granola bar with neufchatel cheese, 1 cup milk, 1 snack size pudding
Dinner: Pot luck dinner
Not sure of total calories...

Day 17: I also had an after dinner snack that I don't remember what was!

Breakfast: Whole wheat waffles, Creamy peach syrup, 1 cup milk and string cheese
Lunch: Chicken Salad Sandwich, Carrots, Peach
Snacks: Dry roasted peanuts, dark chocolate, granola bar
Dinner: Chicken Fajita, Cantaloupe
Total Calories: 2069, Carbs: 206 grams (233 including everything) *Not completely accurate as I didn't account for my evening snack.

Day 18: Got up early today to take my husband to a scout leadership overnight training... So it was a little crazy of a day! Went to my mom's house so you know I had to try one of the cookies she had just taken out of the oven!
Then I went and got lunch for my son and myself, however he had fallen asleep on the way home (30-ish minute drive) so I went through the drive-through (as I'd promised him a cheeseburger for lunch) and added extra lettuce once I got home to my wrap.

Breakfast: Kashi Go Lean Cereal - 1 cup, Milk (1%) - 8 oz (or 1 cup)
Lunch: Wendy's Chicken Go Wrap (grilled), Baked sweet potato
Snacks: Apple, Fruit snacks, Raw Almonds and dark chocolate, granola bar, string cheese, and an almond-cookie sandwich
Dinner: Chicken Salad Sandwich, cantaloupe, chocolate milk
Total Calories: 2287, Carbs: 267 grams (308 including everything)

Day 19:  It has almost been 3 weeks! I'm still fluctuating within a pound and a half... not gaining or losing just staying in the same range. Maybe in a few days I'll see a difference - at least not go as low. It is weird for me to actually WANT to be gaining weight!
We went out for dinner tonight and against my better judgement I got a drink... then the cheesecake Ice-cream Eric and I made yesterday called my name. However I didn't feel bad going over my calories because I haven't gained any weight for almost 3 weeks! With the amount of calories I ate, using the same percentage I actually stayed right around how many carbs I typically eat which made me happy ;).

Breakfast: Kashi Go Lean Cereal - 1 cup, Milk (1%) - 8 oz, banana and peanut butter
Lunch: Chicken Fajita
Snacks: Peach Sorbet, dry roasted peanuts and dark chocolate, peach, Crunchy granola bar with neufchatel cheese, crackers and string cheese, cheesecake ice-cream
Dinner: bacon cheeseburger (kid size), fries (also kid size) and a soda.
Total Calories: 2675, Carbs: 289 grams (314 including everything)

Day 20:

Breakfast: Whole wheat waffles, syrup, peanut butter, banana and milk
Lunch: Peach Sorbet, string cheese, snack size kettle corn popcorn, carrots
Snacks: granola bar, raw almonds and dark chocolate, fruit loops cereal
Dinner: Salad, Rice and black beans with corn (from this recipe although we didn't have the chicken...)
Total Calories: 2064, Carbs: 235 grams (274 including everything)

Day 21: Went over on my carbs today... however, I feel a bit better since part of that was dinner... I decided to make a blueberry smoothie with spinach in it as typically when we have breakfasty foods for dinner we skip the veggies.

Breakfast: Chex cereal with milk, banana with peanut butte
Lunch: leftover corn & beans with rice, green beans and a peach
Snacks: Snack-size pudding, cruchy granola bar with neufchatel cheese, string cheese, Dry roasted peanuts with dark chocolate, fruit snacks, ice-cream and carrots.
Dinner: German Pancakes with syrup, blueberry-spinach smoothie
Total Calories: 2271, Carbs: 343 grams (370 including everything)

This is part of my series on PCOS and learning to understand and live with it. *I am not a medical professional, nor do I have a lot of knowledge of PCOS other than what I've read. This is just me, my opinions, how I understand PCOS and how I am dealing with it.

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