
Monday, June 11, 2012

PCOS Diet Week 2

Week 2 Overview: This whole week I was still under the (mistaken) idea that I should be eating 2000 calories. However since I wasn't gaining weight (but I wasn't losing either...) I didn't stick with it too closely ;). It wasn't until week 3 that I realized I should be eating between 2200-2300 calories every day. Except for not getting enough sleep a couple of days this week I was feeling more energetic than I have been.

Day 8: Went over on calories today... but am not worried as I haven't started gaining weight again. I went over on carbs too (but based on my calories I only went over by 10 grams instead of 30.) I am feeling more energetic which is a plus!
Breakfast: Kashi Go Lean Cereal - 1 cup, Milk (1%) - 8 oz (or 1 cup), 1/2 cup blueberries
Lunch: Salad, Baked Potato with chili and cheese
Snacks (Typically eat one between breakfast and Lunch, 1-2 between lunch and dinner, and 1 after dinner.): Dehydrated apricots, Crunchy Granola Bar with Neufchatel cheese, Banana, 1 cup ice-cream, Flipz-White Chocolate
Dinner: Shredded Pork Quesadillas with Fresh Salsa and Guacamole
Total Calories: 2170, Carbs: 255 grams (288 including everything)

Day 9:  My weight is pretty much stabilized now. (I've gained a bit less than half a pound in fact... but we'll see if it stays and I keep gaining a bit.) I may be adding 100-200 extra calories if I am still the same at the end of this week.

Breakfast: Kashi Go Lean Cereal - 3/4 cup, Milk (1%) - 8 oz (or 1 cup), 1 banana and 2 Tbsp Natural Peanut Butter
Lunch: Wendy's Caesar Side Salad (no croutons, half salad dressing), Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger, Jr. Frosty, a few fries (snitched from my son/husband)
Snacks: Peanut, Almond and Dark Chocolate Protein Bar
Dinner: Shredded Pork Quesadillas with Fresh Salsa and Guacamole and 1 cup cantaloupe
Total Calories: 2035, Carbs: 210 grams (226 including everything)

Day 10: In one of the diet books I read it suggested that it really matters what you eat 80% of the time and not the 20%. If you want to be strict you can make it 90%-10%.  Today I was really tired and just decided to take a day off from counting calories/carbs. That does not mean I went totally hog wild today eating all sorts of carbs, probably a few more than I normally would have, but not a ton!

Breakfast:  Kashi Go Lean Cereal - 1 cup, Milk (1%) - 8 oz (or 1 cup), 1 banana and 1 Tbsp Natural Peanut Butter
Dinner: Pulled Pork Rolls, French Onion Soup and steamed carrots.
I don't know what I ate the rest of the day though because I didn't keep track.

Day 11: Pregnancy tiredness mixed with my toddler deciding to get up too early is really making me exhausted lately... I do feel like I tend to want to eat more carbs when I'm really tired. However I still feel I did pretty good today - I only went over by 10 carbs!

Breakfast: Kashi Go Lean Cereal - 1 cup, Milk (1%) - 8 oz (or 1 cup), 1 banana and 2 tsp Natural Peanut Butter
Lunch: Omelet, half bagel-toasted, and baby carrots
Snacks: Crunchy Granola Bar with Neufchatel cheese, Peanut, Almond and Dark Chocolate Protein Bar, Apple, Chocolate Pudding, 1/2 Cup Greek Yogurt with 2 Tbsp home-made reduced sugar Strawberry Jam, Fruit Snacks
Dinner: Salad with Shredded Pork, 1/2 cup French Onion Soup, 1/2 cup chili (Yep leftover night!)

Total Calories: 2001, Carbs: 235 grams (263 including everything)

Day 12:  I think I may have stretched myself a bit too much today... I volunteered at our produce co-op in the morning, made my menu for the week, then a grocery list. I made myself take a nap as I hadn't slept well the night before. Then I got up, went grocery shopping, came home and put it away. After that, I made Blackberry Jam - 12 cups (or half-pints). I finally ate 'lunch' at about 4:40ish... and it didn't include a vegetable because at that point I was pretty much just ready to get some food in me that didn't require much thought! Planning out meals and actually trying to eat exactly how I'm suppose to can be time consuming... Plus I don't think I'm completely in the healthy eating habit yet... I should have been able to pull some carrots out of the fridge but that hasn't been a habit! Hopefully that is something I'll be getting better at.

Breakfast: Kashi Go Lean Cereal - 1 cup, Milk (1%) - 8 oz (or 1 cup), 1 banana and 1 Tbsp Natural Peanut Butter
Lunch: Bagel with Peanut Butter and 1 cup milk
Snacks: Peanut, Almond and Dark Chocolate Protein Bar, Yogurt (6 oz), and an ice-cream sandwich
Dinner: Taco Salad, apple
Total Calories: 2117, Carbs: 228 grams (250 including everything)

Day 13: We have church from 11-2 and that sort-of messes up my normal eating schedule. I do take snacks to church, but they are mainly carb loaded... I guess carb snacks are easiest (well and I personally feel that eating carrots would just be too loud and annoying!)
Yesterday we got our first ice-cream maker. Today I made Vanilla Bean Frozen Yogurt. I snitched a few bites (and didn't enter them into my calories eaten... oh no! Totally kidding.)
This evening we went on a stroll (too slow to actually call it a walk - at least for me!). My hip started acting up towards the end... although halfway through I could tell it wanted to start giving me trouble. 

Breakfast: Kashi Go Lean Cereal - 1 cup, Milk (1%) - 8 oz (or 1 cup), 1 apple and 1 Tbsp Natural Peanut Butter
Lunch: String Cheese, 6 oz yogurt, baby carrots
Snacks: Raw Almonds and dark chocolate chips, granola bar, and an ice-cream sandwich
Dinner: Spaghetti and meatballs, celery sticks.
Total Calories: 1887, Carbs: 205 grams (243 including everything)

Day 14: Today was Memorial Day and let's just say I didn't keep track of what I ate... partly I knew things wouldn't go that great as we were at my parent's house for lunch... and then we at out (but I had a salad!) for dinner. 

Breakfast: Kashi Go Lean Cereal-1 cup, Milk-1 cup
Lunch: Grilled Chicken, corn on the cob, bread
Snacks: Cookies, frozen yogurt, ice-cream sandwich (yeah I wasn't so good today, but my mom's cookies were delicious!)
Dinner: Cafe Rio Fire Grilled Steak Salad (Shared with my husband and he ate most of the tortilla...)
Total Calories: No clue, Carbs: Don't Care (after all it was a day off ;)

This is part of my series on PCOS and learning to understand and live with it. *I am not a medical professional, nor do I have a lot of knowledge of PCOS other than what I've read. This is just me, my opinions, how I understand PCOS and how I am dealing with it.

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