
Monday, December 13, 2010

Menu: Dec 6-12

It's been one of those weeks that if I wasn't living it, I wouldn't believe that all this could happen to one family. Okay not quite that bad, but still... I normally don't discuss most happenings in my life, but I feel I need to write about this so here goes:  Last Monday my grandfather fell and broke his hip. He went to the hospital and they kept him overnight and did surgery on Tuesday. My husband also had a doctor appointment on that day and later we went to our congregation's Christmas dinner - we were helping the children put on the Nativity program. Afterward we went to the hospital where I left my husband and son (because my son couldn't go back) to see my grandfather in ICU, it was at that time they decided that he needed to go to a 'big city hospital' and so arrangements were made to transport him by ambulance.

Friday my mom went out to see him and I got to help take care of my little sister Friday afternoon through Saturday evening. She has some involved health requirements... she has a monitor on that alarms when her oxygen levels get too low and her heart rate gets to high. So I got minimal sleep on Friday night making sure she was breathing right. Saturday we got the call that my grandfather had passed away. He is now with is beloved wife so we are happy for him, but sad to say goodbye. That evening my mom got back and took my sister to the ER as she hadn't been doing too great. One of her seizure medications was too high. Totally unrelated but still a frustration - the washer had been leaking so we had to buy a new hose. As soon as I got home and it was installed we didn't have running water for almost 2 hours. So by that time I had enough time to do 2 loads of laundry before bedtime. Unfortunately I'd been putting it off so we had a pile up that I'm still trying to dig though.  Sunday my sister's heart rate went really high (140 resting) and so she went back in to the ER. She was diagnosed with aspiration pneumonia and put into the hospital.

As it stands, my sister is in the hospital, we have family coming for the funeral later this week. Then next week it is my 5th wedding anniversary and Christmas. Due to this I will not be posting until Dec 28 or 29, with a menu of the most interesting items I've actually made during my break (I am not going to be cooking very often.) The Chicken Skillet Recipe will be posted on the 30th.

I hope you all have a great Christmas.

Menu (sorry no pics this week):

Monday: Take out Pizza
Tuesday: Congregation Christmas Dinner
Wednesday: Spaghetti & Meatballs
Thursday: Meatball Sub (we had leftover meatballs in marinara sauce on a hoagie bun with parmesan and mozzarella cheese.)
Friday: Ate out
Saturday: Chicken Salad Sandwich
Sunday: BBQ Chicken Sandwiches (Shredded chicken heated in bbq sauce.)

No vote this week.


  1. I'm so sorry to hear about your grandfather, and also about your sister. You are in our prayers.

  2. I'm sorry - please don't worry about the blog, of all things, at this time with your family.


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