
Friday, April 9, 2010

Foodless Friday: Ultimate Blog Party

Welcome all those of you who are participating in the 2010 Ultimate Blog Party!

Ultimate Blog Party 2010

Just a quick intro for those of you who are new: I post my families dinner menu each week and have a poll so my readers can vote on which recipe YOU want posted. I post those recipes on Thursdays. Tuesdays I post dessert recipes, Wednesday I post about my goals and how much I am slacking on them or if I've actually made them in the past week. Fridays I post some random tidbit about my life or something I like. Read more About Me here.

Come check out some of my favorite recipes:

For those of you who want to join the party, there are tons of giveaways - I'm hoping to win an Amazon gift certificate!
Have a great weekend everybody!


  1. oh mouth is drooling looking at your photos of your recipes...i'm going to check out your cracker link..looks like something my little one would love!

  2. What a delicious party post! So happy I found you! Hope you enjoy yourself at the party! If you have time I'd love for you to come by blog. I have a linky event each Friday, fun giveaways, recipes, and more!

  3. yea for another food blogger!! Love finding more folks who enjoy cooking :)

  4. Mmmmmm! I need all the help I can get in the kitchen. I'm following you now!

  5. Oooh, I just love food blogs! So glad I stumbled upon yours via UBP. While I don't consider myself a designated "food blogger" per se, I do share a lot of recipes and write about food. Please stop by and say hello!

  6. I love your header! Such great photos. I do the food blog thing too, so I can't wait to drop by and check out your recipes! :)

    If you are interested I'm hosting Food Revolution Fridays, and if you enter you have a chance to win prizes, too! It's based on the new Jamie Oliver show. Would love to see you there!

  7. Your recipes looks so good, your photos look so good. I'm following you on twitter now too.

    Found you over UBP10

    See you later!

  8. Thanks so much for visiting my blog! Those truffles look AMAZING. Happy UBP10! :)

  9. yum! Added you to my reader. Hope you are enjoying the party!

  10. Hi, I'm here for the party! I love browsing recipes. I think your site will be one of my favorites. Your photos of the food makes each dish look so tempting!

  11. I was just complaining to my husband about how hungry I am, and then I stumble across your blog in the UBP. This is really bad timing because your blog looks great. Will have to come back when my stomach doesn't feel like it's eating itself!

  12. Thank you so much for stopping by... although now that I'm here, my mouth is watering! The pictures in your header and this post... YUM! Going to have to try some recipes out soon :)

  13. Oh my, your post is making me hungry! Those french toast bites look divine!

  14. happy blog hopping! Those recipes look delish! I will have to browse some recipes because I'm always looking for new ones :)

  15. Hi Krystal, I'm at the UBP10 Party too! My first time. I love to cook, and garden and write about Maui, Hawaii :) Your picture are great and a very cute blog. I am learning so much by visiting everyone. I'm too!

  16. I love your step by step pictures! Coming your way via UBP, I'll be following along! :)

  17. Toot Tootin' my #UBP10 Party Horn on your blog!!!!!

    Hope you are meeting new bloggers and havin' a great time! I have Guest Chef on my blog.. would you like to be featured?? LMK when you stop in!

    I'm your Newest fan on your blog, FB page and twitter!!!! toot toot

    Party on!!!

    @Susieqtpies at Scraps of Life

  18. Stopping from the UBP! Loved visiting your site! The recipes look awesome!

  19. Oooh I just LOVE finding new recipe blogs!

  20. Just cruising through from the UBP to say hi :)

  21. Stopping by for the party! I cant wait to try out someof your recipes! Thanks.

  22. Yum! Your recipes and your photography are both awesome. I can't wait to dig around in your site and find great things! :)

  23. Looks yummy! Visiting from UPB 2010. Nice to meet you. Rita @ One 2 Try.

  24. mmmmmm now I am hungry! thanks for stopping by my party and for showing me some great new recipes!

  25. I loved all the food photos.
    I'm just listening to some classic Chicago while doing some blog visiting and enjoying ice water. Yes, no alcholic beverages here.
    Love your blog and really enjoyed my visit.
    I think this is my 3rd year. Not sure but really enjoy meeting new bloggers.
    Great prizes this year! I hope you win one..or two.
    I was late too but fashionable late for the UBP 2010.

  26. Stopping by from UBP10. Those Pineapple Chicken Fajitas
    look amazing! Good luck with the prizes.

  27. Arriving from the UBP! I like new recipes and yours look wonderful. I'm putting you under my cooking section in my google reader!

  28. I came from the UBP to say Happy Party.. but you already have a party going..look at all that food..yummmm


  29. oh dear, your site is making me very hungry!!

  30. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Your recipes look yummy and I am definitely going to follow you!! What kinds of things is your son doing now. Wesley was born on the 10th. He walks, and has started his terrible twos early thats for sure. Well maybe not completely. Molars are coming in. Talk to you later!!

  31. Hi Crystal! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I LOVE reading food blogs and getting new ideas for dinner (I've been in a kitchen funk for quite a while now)! Enjoy the rest of UBP!

  32. Thanks for stopping by my blog from UBP. Your blog has officially made me starving! I am definitely going to be checking out all your recipes. :) Thanks!

  33. Mmm, that all looks so good! I have to try making the crackers and the French toast bites (maybe for breakfast tomorrow, those look so good!).

    Thanks for stopping by my blog party! Loving yours (mmm... who wouldn't love all that food!)

  34. Hi there! Nice to meet you! I'm stopping by via the UBP. I am lovin all your recipes! I'll be sure to track your blog.

    I hope you can stop by our blog: is a mom owned newly launched site.

    Have a beautiful day

  35. It is so nice to meet you! You have a yummy blog! Thanks for coming by my way, too!

  36. オッス!

    Nice to meet you! :D Just stopping by from the party to say howdy. Love your blog.

    Have a great week and happy UBP! :D And hope to see you stop by sometime!!


  37. This all looks so yummy! Enjoy the party!

  38. Hi Crystal
    OMG I think I am in love with your blog - geeesh it should come with a WARNING - FOOD LOTS OF DELICIOUS FOOD HERE! ;)

    I am not only following your blog but on twitter too - you are gonna get me back into the kitchen with all your fantastic recipes and pictures... oh my...

    I hope you are having a great time at this years UBP10. I know I am :)
    Thank you so much for stopping by my place at Live Laugh Love and Bloggings, it is a pleasure to meet you. :)

    Take good care of you - and lawsie I will be back..

  39. Oooh always looking for new recipes!! Hope you had fun at the Ultimate Blog Party! I know its over but I'm still partying and visiting some new blogs! :)

    Jenni ("Miss Tutu")
    My UBP blog post: How to Make a Tutu blog - hope you will stop by, say hi, and grab a free tutu making lesson! :) and Mom Blogger $100 Cash Contest


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