
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Resolutions Week 3, how are your goals coming?

Week 3 of my resolutions... For the list of resolutions, click here.

- Reduced sugar intake is going okay, but I am still not completely living up to my goal of only 2 desserts per week. I find it hard to do this when I make a pan of brownies, I still have this mentality that I NEED to eat my 'fair share' before the dessert disappears. Which doesn't really make sense, because if I only want 2 desserts per week, my share may only be one! I am slowly getting over this... I actually had a bowl of ice-cream last week that was only a half a cup - I would usually have had a whole bowl. So I am making some progress!

- In the past week I made a new pizza dough recipe, which I honestly think is the recipe I will be using in the future! It was delicious.

- This past week was not so great for exercising... I had weird stomach pains, but I did go for two 1.5-2 mile walks. I missed one day of exercising to meet my goal. Unfortunately this week may not be so good as we're planning on visiting my inlaws this weekend.

- I still need to find a good book to read this month.

- This week I toyed with making gift boxes. I think I have a good method for making them now.

How are your goals coming?

1 comment:

  1. I decided not to make New Year's resolutions this year, because if there's something I ought to be changing, why wait until January, was my theory.

    However, I did start a new job on Jan. 4th, so I made "new job resolutions." Basically I want to be completely awesome at this job, so I made a bunch of resolutions to do stuff better, and also resolutions not to do stuff I used to do that undercut my performance and/or made me look bad.

    So far it's going pretty well. I've had the odd moment where I've wanted to take the easy way out on something, but had to steel myself not to do that, since it would be breaching one of my resolutions. But it wouldn't be a resolution if it didn't take resolve, would it?


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