
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Spinach Chicken Alfredo Pizza

I was making our menu idea a few weeks back and I asked Hubby if there was anything he was wanting for dinners. This is something I do every time I make a menu, why, mainly because:

A.) don't like to come up with everthing we're going to eat 
B.) want Hubby to be able to tell me what he is craving, or wants to try
C.) I hate coming up with menu items for every day so Hubby now knows he NEEDS to give me suggestions...
D.) It gives more of a variety to the menu.
E.) I dislike coming up with each menu item, I may have mentioned that though.
How do you come up with your dinner menus?

He said he would love me to make a new pizza flavor. (He didn't mean make one up, just one I've never made.) I'd been wanting to try a Chicken Alfredo Pizza, we also had some spinach that needed used, so I came up with the Spinach Chicken Alfredo Pizza.We loved it and it will definitely be one I make again!

Spinach Chicken Alfredo Pizza

 First, you'll need a recipe for pizza crust. Oh, and yes this crust is suppose to be green! I used the spinach variation found at the bottom of the crust recipe (this would be a great crust for St. Patrick's Day!)

You'll also need Alfredo sauce, just omit the pasta.
 Spread on about 1/2 cup Parmesan Cheese, grated.
 Next, layer with chicken. I pan-fried 2 chicken breasts seasoned with garlic powder and onion powder and they turned out great!
 Next, add a layer of spinach. It shrinks as it cooks, so don't be shy!
 Then top with grated mozzarella cheese. Add as much or as little as you like...
 you know us, we added quite a bit.
 Bake at 350 for about 20-25 minutes, or until cheese is melted and starting to turn brown.
 Cut and serve.
 This is an absolutely delicious pizza, plus has some really delicious spinach in it! It is a great way to get picky eaters to eat their veggies (my toddler ate it and he isn't a vegetable fan, but he is a bread fan).


  1. I ask for input repeatedly. Once I make the menu I show him a copy on the computer. I tell him in the morning what is for dinner that night and then, when I call to see if he will be home, he asks what we are having to see if he wants to eat it. I gave up recently and started planning for the girls and I. If he wants to join us there is good food available.

  2. That sounds so good! My son is allergic to tomatoes so this is a pizza that he can eat. I'm printing the recipe so I can try it.

  3. This looks incredibly good Crystal! We eat pizza at least once a week, if not twice - can't wait to try this one!


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