
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Campfire Stew

Growing up we did not go camping a lot - which is abnormal for the area we live in. We are about an hour away from the mountains and National Forests. Both of my parents enjoy camping. The main reason we did not go camping? My three younger siblings with severe disabilities. First of all, most camp sites are not wheelchair accessible - it is becoming easier now to find them but in the 1980's it wasn't as easy. Next packing up for a trip was an adventure because you had to make sure to get all the medications they took in - the last thing you want is to get somewhere and realize you forgot a seizure medication. We still did things together as a family, but it wasn't until I was in my teens that we really went camping.

Almost every camping trip with my family involves either Tin Foil Dinners or Campfire Stew (or both). Let me tell you a secret - I'm not the biggest fan of sausage. In fact about the only time I'll eat breakfast link sausage is when I'm camping. Oh and when it is in Campfire Stew - even if I'm not camping. This stew is perfect for either cooking over the fire, on a camp-stove or over charcoal. However if you cook over charcoal - make sure to cook the sausages while the charcoal is burning so it browns evenly and cooks through.

In 2007, my husband and I were in charge of planning the Reunion for his immediate family (doesn't sound too bad until you realize he has 7 brothers and sisters! At the time we planned it there were 22 people in the family living in 2 different countries and 3 different states in the US.) This made it on the menu for the first night due to varying arrival times, it can just sit and simmer until you are ready to eat. It is perfect for the set up night because it doesn't take a huge amount of time and everyone can eat when they are ready.

Campfire Stew
In a dutch oven over heat (you pick - fire, camp-stove, or charcoal),
Cook sausages. The great thing about this recipe is there are no set amounts.
Add as much or as little as you lie. Here I used 2 lbs of sausages. Cook until browned.
Cut into bite sized pieces.
There were children eating this so I cut them into fourths.
If it is adults, I usually cut in half or thirds.
I tried cutting some beforehand (as you can see the uncooked pieces), but it is easier to cut with a spatula after they've cooked a bit.
Trust me on that one!
Next add carrots and potatoes, cut into bite sized pieces.  You can also add onion (we didn't have any on hand so I used onion powder.)
 I like using baby carrots when camping as they are super easy to just cut in half or thirds.
These potatoes were dug out of our garden the same day we used them. Delicious!
Next add enough water to get a good simmer. I like a little more broth with my soup/stews so I tend to add more than necessary (I did add chicken broth not just water for a little more flavor since I added so much liquid. My whole family told me that I added too much liquid as well - I guess they're not as open to changing recipes as I am!)
Bring to a boil or simmer and cook until veggies are tender.


  1. It looks colourful and healthy! I like it ^^

  2. I'm guessing that you used breakfast sausages? I'd be really tempted to try this with the Italian sausages I've been buying. It might mean precooking but it would be so worth it. Wonderful recipe to accompany the story of childhood memories. I appreciate that.

    I'm here from MMB - first time on this blog hop so I'm reading and following everyone. It has been an uplifting Saturday activity. I appreciate your donation to my day.

  3. I was just talking about this the other day! I only ever have biscuits and gravy when I'm camping... funny how that works out.

  4. Oh, I'd love this!! Perfect way to feed a crowd =)

  5. This looks wonderful.
    Love cooking on fire.
    Pic's are great.
    Thank you Crystal!!


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