
Friday, August 31, 2012

The difference 1 hour can make...

Yesterday when my husband came home for lunch this is what I looked like...
I know, aren't they great photos... totally flattering (or not!)
One hour later when I returned home so my dear husband could get back to work. Something was different...

This is me, right before my husband went back to work:

And the darkness of the hair compared to the above photos is only due to the flash going off in the above photos and not these...
So can anyone spot a difference? (totally kidding!) 

I have been growing out my hair to donate to Wigs for Kids. They provide wigs for children who have lost their hair due to medical treatments and the like. They are designed to actually stay on while kids are being kids! Currently the hair is in a bag waiting to be sent, but it will go in the mail sooner than later (hopefully sooner...) I can say the last few months have been torture... as I wanted to chop my hair off, but I still wanted it long enough to donate! 

I decided to donate my hair while it was still a bit fuller due to all those wonderful pregnancy hormones... so I made a goal (unspoken) to cut it before my 6 week checkup -basically before it started to thin out again... and I did - my check up is next Wednesday (I made it by 6 days). 

Side by side:

I never wanted my hair this short again (had it shorter when I was 18), but it will grow back ;). I just won't grow it as long... I hated taking care of my long hair - it was a pain as it was this gross wavy  - not enough to make it curly, just frizzy looking (the above photo was when I tried to blow dry it straight, air drying is worse! It just doesn't look good.)


  1. I actually love love love your short hair! So beautiful! You look younger and "fresh" :) So pretty!

    1. Thanks!
      I didn't realize how draining on my face long hair was until I cut it! I typically like it shoulder length (where I can pull it back into a pony tail!)

  2. I have to agree that it's a great length for you - it looks super cute (and I bet it's nice having something easier to take care of with a baby to contend with, too!).

    1. It is nice to have something easier to take care of, and that a baby can't pull (as easily!)


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