
Monday, December 5, 2011

Menu: Nov 28-Dec 4

Happy Monday everybody, except I'm sure a lot of you will be reading this on Tuesday since I'm posting so late... so Happy Tuesday to you! I absolutely love December, except how cold it gets. Brrr... But I love how happy everybody is and how much more they seem to care about others. It's just a shame that it can't carry though the whole year (except for those crazy people who risk others lives so they can save money! But we won't discuss that here.) I love Christmas lights and carols. I love hot chocolate. I love sitting down with a blanket and a good book (doesn't happen very often now... my 2 year old thinks that the only books I should read are to HIM! Which we do, both snuggled in a blanket.) What do you love about December?

Here's the menu:

Monday: Taco Soup
Tuesday: Taco Soup
Wednesday: Roasted Butternut squash soup and Grilled Cheese Sandwiches

Thursday: Frozen Pizza and leftover soup

Friday: Ate out
Saturday: Salmon & Maple Acorn Squash
Sunday: Beef Fajitas

Vote for the recipe you want to see next Thursday. Parmesan Crusted Chicken won this week's recipe slot.

1 comment:

  1. Those fajitas look so good! I have the hardest time finding a good fajita recipe :/


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